Two bent shaft putters, Cock o’ The Green, Patent No. 850846 and Rangefinder Glyder, both with Apollo shafts; Breen Slottem-In swan neck putter; Wm Gibson Skoogee, dish face niblick, with massive flange sole; and driver with barley-twist shaft, Michael Bingham, Clinger irons Nos. 2,3,4,5,7 and 9, Prov. Patent 33024. With deep groove soles, face inserts and coated elliptical steel shafts, circa 1930s.
Sold for £100
Hammer Price
Two bent shaft putters, Cock o’ The Green, Patent No. 850846 and Rangefinder Glyder, both with Apollo shafts; Breen Slottem-In swan neck putter; Wm Gibson Skoogee, dish face niblick, with massive flange sole; and driver with barley-twist shaft, Michael Bingham, Clinger irons Nos. 2,3,4,5,7 and 9, Prov. Patent 33024. With deep groove soles, face inserts and coated elliptical steel shafts, circa 1930s.
Auction: TV, Film, Sporting Memorabilia and Collectables, 5th Dec, 2023
Viewing by appointment - 4th Dec
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